Gracie's Healing Garden

Engaging with children to make an impact that will span the generations! Join Gracie as she learns to use herbs from her clinical master herbalist momma and shares her favorite recipes for health and wellness!


First, let me say this is not a typical children's book. "Gracie's Healing Garden" weaves herbal remedy recipes into a whimsical tale about Gracie and her journey learning about herbs for health.  

This a precious gift to give your children, grandchildren, neighbors, students, or your church groups - anyone who needs to know there is a better way to care for their bodies than solely putting their trust in mainstream medicine. 

In this whimsical tale, children will join Gracie as she explores the wonders of nature’s pharmacy, teaching them about her favorite herbs and sharing delightful recipes along the way. Through Gracie’s story, we embark on a mission to educate and inspire the next generation to embrace the world of natural health and wellness. 

 In a world where our children’s health faces numerous challenges, Gracie’s journey becomes a beacon of hope. By learning to identify and utilize the gifts of nature for their well-being, children can be part of a movement that transforms the trajectory of their health for generations to come. 

 Join Gracie on this heartwarming adventure, and let her garden be your guide to a healthier, happier future. “Gracie’s Healing Garden” is more than a story; it’s an invitation to discover the power of nature’s remedies and the importance of passing down age-old wisdom to safeguard our children’s well-being.

My name is Carmen, and when I first got started on my healing journey my health and my mother’s health were headed downhill! 

We were both on steroids regularly for unrelenting autoimmune diseases. My mother struggled with her mental health, weight struggles, diabetes, and a long list of other complications that stemmed from the medications she was given to manage each diagnosis she was given. We weren't told that the medications we were prescribed would eventually create more problems for us. I just wanted us to feel better! I was tired of listening to doctors say that this was the only way and that managing illness and disease were just something we would have to learn to live with. 

Something inside me knew there had to be a better way, but I had no idea where to begin!

My mom was nearly 200#, diabetic, on almost a dozen pharmaceuticals, and experiencing severe side effects that doctors would only continue to prescribe more meds for!
I was still struggling with eczema and was fed up with being told steroids were the only answer. (Here's my allergy patch testing).

I began researching for myself but along the way I was given a lot of unreliable and unhelpful information. There was so much to sort through! That is when I decided to begin the journey back to the beginning, learning how we were originally designed to live and to interact with the world around us, and I began to evaluate my own level of commitment to living according to this Divinely-designed approach to health and healing. 

 I completed a rigorous Master Herbalist training program. I have dedicated my life to continuing my self-study of natural health and healing and now I have a private practice as a Clinical Herbalist where I help others embrace their health and lead them to their own unique healing journeys! I have implemented many things I have learned along the way to improve my health and the health of my family and clients. 

When I started this journey, I didn’t realize what a dramatic impact aligning our lives in this way would have on health and healing - until things really began to improve!

As I have worked with clients in private practice, it has become abundantly clear that education is necessary and the earlier it begins, THE BETTER OFF WE ALL ARE!!! I am on a mission to reach the next generation as young as possible and this is where my creativity was sparked to write "GRACIE'S HEALING GARDEN."

Mom learned how to use herbs to support healing.
She lost 80 pounds and weaned her pharmaceuticals in record time!
My deepest desire and passion is to reach the next generation so they avoid experiencing deteriorating health and they can become a beacon of hope to others! 

…This story combines knowledge gained about how to easily incorporate herbs into children's health, teach them to take responsibility for their health, to stay connected to their bodies and to understand the cues it sends in symptoms and how to care for their bodies holistically! 

We aren't taught this information in school. It is prudent that we get this information to children and the younger they are exposed to the concepts of holistic health and wellness, the more likely they will be to create a holistic lifestyle that will serve them and others throughout their lifetime - and beyond! 

Gracie's Healing Garden is a TRUE GIFT!
My mission is to change people's family trees in the best ways, by educating and empowering them to return to the design with which they were created - supporting their body's efforts to heal NATURALLY! 

"Carmen is great and has helped me with a lot of different problems. She always tries to find the root of the problem, not just supress symptoms."

Aaron B.
Verified Buyer

"I would recommend Carmen to anyone looking to learn about how to support natural healing."

Brooke S.
Verified Buyer

" I am very grateful to Carmen for her knowledge, her wisdom, and her passion to help people live better and healthier lives."

Jocelyn A.
Verified Buyer

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